Friday, August 22, 2008

health care - why the election counts

Believe This
there is a huge difference between these candidates in terms of health care reform. Obama will try to institute some real reform. I dont know if he can do it, because fighting the entrenched interests of the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry will be really hard (but I dont believe its impossible).  

McCain doesnt understand health care delivery, anyone who thinks competition will keep health care costs down, doesnt understand health care delivery.  Competition is the idea behind health savings accounts, and while this sounds good in theory, the average person cant make a decision about what a reasonable price for healthcare delivery IS!  It just doesnt work.  I dont think there has ever been a study to show that it increased access, improved quality and held cost down, of even accomplished one of those things.  

So for people who care about health care for everyone, even basic coverage, the democrats should have a shot at it. 


Dr. Caryl Heaton said...
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Dr. Caryl Heaton said...

Forgot to mention that my mom is a republican and simply doesnt believe me when I say this kind of thing, but she doesnt vote based on health care. She votes on her finances only.

Dr. Caryl Heaton said...

From the Kaiser Foundation RSS:
NBC's "Nightly News" on Wednesday included analysis from NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd on a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on the presidential election. Among other results, the poll found that 48% of voters believe Obama would address health care more effectively, compared with 27% who believe McCain would address the issue more effectively

Gailgood7 said...

'O' is the way to go! Even us "Hillary Heads" are on your side!